MedGuardSrv - Service Info Page

  MedGuardSrv - PortTypes:
  • IAppServer [WSDL]
    • AS_ApplyUpdates
    • AS_GetRecords
    • AS_DataRequest
    • AS_GetProviderNames
    • AS_GetParams
    • AS_RowRequest
    • AS_Execute
  • IAppServerSOAP [WSDL]
    • SAS_ApplyUpdates
    • SAS_GetRecords
    • SAS_DataRequest
    • SAS_GetProviderNames
    • SAS_GetParams
    • SAS_RowRequest
    • SAS_Execute
  • IMedinsGuardianSrv [WSDL]
    • SAS_ApplyUpdates
    • SAS_GetRecords
    • SAS_DataRequest
    • SAS_GetProviderNames
    • SAS_GetParams
    • SAS_RowRequest
    • SAS_Execute
    • GetFileInfoList
    • GetFile
    • StartPatient
    • StopPatient
    • PatientStarted
    • UpdatesExist
    • LoadUpdates
    • ProcessStarted
  • IWSDLPublish [WSDL]
      Lists all the PortTypes published by this Service
    • GetPortTypeList
    • GetWSDLForPortType
    • GetTypeSystemsList
    • GetXSDForTypeSystem
  WSIL:  Link to WS-Inspection document of Services here